Corporate citizenship


Mothercare’s vision is to be the leading global retailer for parents and young children. Our role is to “unite mums and dads to take on parenting together”. Our CR 2020 ambition to “unite with mums and dads to create a better world for the future of our children” has been developed to be consistent with and supportive of our vision.

As a global retailer the impacts of our business are diverse. Products are produced, transported, sold and then used and disposed of by our customers. To focus our activity on the material impacts, we have structured our CR 2020 programme into three areas of focus:

  1. Products: addressing the social and environmental impacts of making and using our products;
  2. Environment: making our operations greener; and
  3. Communities: strengthening our ties with the communities in which we work and investing in our people

Each of the areas of focus has defined priorities, along with a high level activity plan with supporting commitments and targets where relevant.

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